If you are a physician completely overwhelmed with life,
you are in the right place!


Get your personal and professional life back. Learn to live with ADHD.


Are you ready to reclaim your time and happiness with systems that support you and allow you to function at your highest level?

Through my coaching, you can put systems in place that :

  • prevent overwhelm
  • allow you to get on top of your to-do list
  •  leave you with enough time and energy to enjoy life outside of work.

 Let's work SMARTER not harder. 


Being a physician is hard but it shouldn’t be this hard.

In a world where there is never enough time to keep on top of your never-ending to-do list as well as keep your house in order, wouldn’t it be great to reclaim 5-10 hours a week?

You can with these techniques that work for the busiest of physicians and even those with ADHD. 


If you are a physician or medical student who is always taking work home, never keeps up with charting and feels their frustration with themselves building every day, it’s time to make a change.


My coaching helps:

  • The hot messes to become organized
  • The people pleasers to take back control of their lives

  •  The stressed to slay their schedule 

  • The surviving to start thriving

  • The hopeless to become hopeful


Reliable systems that have real results. My coaching introduces you to tools and techniques that will allow you to stay on top of all your responsibilities and make more time for yourself so you no longer feel like life is happening to you but that you creating the life you always dreamed of.

Hi, I'm Diana,
your ADHD Optimizer coach.

As an ADHD physician myself, I know what it’s like to be at a breaking point. Not so long ago, I felt desperate because I was spending 20-30 uncompensated paid hours per week outside of work charting, struggling to get to appointments on time, overcome by negative thoughts about my abilities as a physician and a mother and taking my frustrations out on everyone else. 

I no longer enjoyed the job I had studied so hard for. My relationship with my husband was strained. I spent most of my time shouting at my kids instead of having fun with them. I had no energy, time or hope. I needed things to get better but I didn’t know how that was possible.

At my lowest point, I was able to turn it all around. I broke through those thoughts that I wasn’t good enough and could never be good enough and starting putting my mental health first. I investing in coaching and education so I could finally understand my ADHD and how to work with it. 

I was able to transform so much my husband called me Diana 2.0. 

I know there are so many physicians like me out there shamed into struggling alone. It doesn’t have to be that way. I’m here to help. Coaching truly changed my life. There is nothing more powerful than being able to understand yourself and the strategies that will allow you to function at your highest level. You are unstoppable.

I didn’t think any of this was possible because of my ADHD and yet here I am. 

I’m no different to you. Check out my story here.

What we can do together

As a certified life coach, I offer both  group and individual coaching so you can create systems that support your zone of genius.

Group Sessions

Join other physicians for 14 weeks of targeted support including: 

  • Weekly live group coaching sessions that will empower you to overcome barriers to growth, create supportive routines, evidence- based hacks and tools to manage chronic procrastination and overwhelm.

  • Weekly prerecorded core modules and workbook

  • Access to 3 guest coaches

  • 3 individual sessions you can schedule whenever you wish with the declutter coach

  • weekly office hour with me

  • Access to a private Facebook group

These are proven strategies

The strategies I use in my coaching have worked for me and they’ve worked for so many other overwhelmed physicians too. I am so proud of how far my clients have come. This is what they had to say about working with me:


Katherine Scantling

“Her process is very practical and easy to follow and implement. Her open, thoughtful and kind approach made it easier for me to share my challenges and work through my roadblocks. She taught me how to self-coach myself which empowered me to make real changes in my life. I am beyond grateful to have found her and would recommend her for gaining clarity with your struggles, getting your life back on track and enjoying your life.”


Medical Student

Private 1:1 Client


“I'm so happy I met Dr. Mercado when I did. I went into these group sessions feeling like a total mess and had no idea how I would survive medical school. I don't handle transitions well, but this course helped me establish a regular schedule that I could stick to. I liked the networking and support of other medical students, residents and physicians.”


Medical Student

Group Session


“After participating in Dr. Mercado's group coaching- I have developed insight and awareness, new coping strategies, and ways of identifying problems. The program offered a safe space to discuss a range of topics and provided support and accountability. I was pleased to learn new relevant information.”



Private and Group Sessions


“I have been working with Dr Mercado for the past 3 months - I have been able to create systems that support me in the clinical setting, close my charts at work -no easy task as I usually had about 50 charts or more open at a time. I have been able to spend time with my family.”


Physician, Family Medicine

Private 1:1 Client


Dr. BJ

“There are answers out there. You are not flawed. You are one of us. We have our own tribe! Seek the answers that are available to you. Suffer no more.”


Family Medicine Physician

, Group Coaching Cohort

Dr. C.D.

“ You are the MOST important person in your life. You - and only you - are in charge and the decision maker. You are worthy. You deserve to invest in yourself. It’s ok to not be ok. It’s ok to take time for you. It’s YOUR life. YOU get to decide & you have the power of choice. Be true to your your heart & your gut and you do you!!! 💪❤️👊 ”



Group Coaching Cohort

Dr. A.A.

“ I know you don’t have enough time for that. But you will find more somehow if you just decide to do it anyway!”



Group Coaching Cohort

Dr. C.B.

“ Make the investment in yourself, no one else will. We all have unique gifts and qualities, don't be afraid to ask for help finding yours. ”


Physician, Psychiatry

Group Coaching Cohort

Dr. C.D.

“ You are the MOST important person in your life. You - and only you - are in charge and the decision maker. You are worthy. You deserve to invest in yourself. It’s ok to not be ok. It’s ok to take time for you. It’s YOUR life. YOU get to decide & you have the power of choice. Be true to your your heart & your gut and you do you!!! 💪❤️👊 ”



Group Coaching Cohort

Dr. A.B.

“ I would bring up the need to "sharpen your sword" (I think it's from the 8th principle of highly effective people book, or something like that). And, remember that investing in yourself also helps you to show up better for others so your loved ones also benefit!”



Group Coaching Cohort

Dr. C.D.

“ There is no right way or wrong way. Failing is just a lesson learned. Fail forward. All you can do is make the best decision you can with the information you have at the time - so decide and do! There isn’t good or bad. There isn’t right or wrong. Only done or not done. You do you. You are enough. Be YOU!”



Group Coaching Cohort

Dr. C.W.

“ It will be empowering experience. It will benefit you, and your family. If you don't look out for you. Who will. I've learned so much about myself, and how may brain works in the past 6 months, I'm finding the tools that I need that will benefit me the rest of my life. I am 51 years old, and I made the decision to take care of me. It's never too late! ”


Physician, OBGYN

Group Coaching Cohort